Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Jen: Ain't that some bullSHIT!

Some shit went down yesterday concerning our first show back on January 14th. It's another case of bullshit where the bands in the end get dumped on. Isn't that the way it always happens? Something doesn't work out and the bands always are inevitably chosen to take it up the ass.. no matter who's fault it is. You learn who to trust in this business really quickly... no one. Trust no one. Stay tuned for more on this...

Practices have been good. Progress has been great. We went a week with no practice and it felt like ages!! The Saturday before last, November 26, we had some people come out to check out practice. It was supposed to be a few people.. came to find out Frank invited the greater San Antonio metal scene. Thank God just a few people showed up (sorry, Frank). It was cool having people check things out and give honest feedback. Mike and Chris of Deadpool, Gonzo from The Scene, our good friend Crystal and a friend of Frank's from work, Lisa, checked out the set.. like 3 times or so. It was Jared's first time with us as a group in front of people and he did good despite feeling sick ("there's another compliment, Jared. Mark it down...." - he says our compliments are rare, criticisms many...). After that a few more people came by and had a couple of beers, then the night was cut short. Our party days have come and gone, dude.. well, not Frank's & Jared's.. just Dave and I. We can still throw down, but on rare occasion! So that was good. We wore ourselves down.

Jared took his guitars in to be set up and was feeling a little down this week from some shit he caught. He's also been getting stuff together for this business venture he's doing so thats cool. Frank had his little girl Thursday through Sunday. That was awesome... much overdue. Jared and Dave finally got together this last Saturday night to run through some riffs. He taught Jared a couple more songs and went over those pesky picking nuances in the riffs to tighten things up.
The last practice was last night. I wasn't able to participate for lack of a babysitter... it happens! Our only able sitter that we fully trust with all three monsters, my sister, has finals this week so we have to respect that. Things started late so there was only an hour or so to work. From in the house, I could hear them throwing down on some killer writing most of the time. That's one thing we have to be careful not to ignore... the writing is still so strong. We have to really be cautious and make sure to take our shows slowly and be more particular in what we commit to.

Practice is tonight.. another hectic evening. Dave's getting home late because he's working late, and I have to take a kid to dance class.. getting back at 7 right when practice is scheduled for. Tomorrow is not an option because Frank has his daughter.. Friday is a possibility (as far as I know), then Saturday won't work because our daughter has her Christmas dance receital. Then the next Saturday, he has his kiddo.. the the next Saturday is Chrismas.. things get rough this time of year. It's gotta roll like a well-oiled machine to work... and so far, so good.