Sunday, July 29, 2007

Jen: Devildriver cancelled

Yep... haha.. thats the way the cookie crumbles!!

They have decided to jump on Ozzfest so good for all of YOU with free tix!

Are we pissed? Nope. Not at all.

Disappointed? Hell yeah - of course! but this isn't the first time and it won't be the last. All Angerkill wanted - and still wants - is some exposure in this city of complacency.

Thank you again for all of you who had our backs in that contest. Yesterday in Austin, we saw many faces of people from the Austin music scene and even the SA scene! (Whatup Deadpool Carlos & Marti, Chingona NADIA!! & Suzi's Rockpage) who voted and supported us in the contest. Every way we turned, we got handshakes and "congratulations" and "ya'll deserve it"s.

A few years ago, we all would have been fucking livid!!! I suppose we've come to understand this business a little better. Maybe we've grown up - but our shells are a lot thicker.

If we hadn't had Austin last night, perhaps we would be angry this morning - I can't say for certain. All I can guess is that it's really hard to be down when you look around and have so much love and support surrounding you. As Shaun from Course of Ruin refers to it.. it's all about the TEXAS FAMILY VALUES. Thanks to those faithful people who went out to Bonds, but in reality, Friday was a tough fall on our face. Austin picked the four of us back up and brushed us off.

Thanks for the messages. We're ok - and we're writing to tell you all that as of now, you know as much about this as we do. We'll keep you updated as we learn more.

David's head is a mess with concepts, riffs, arrangements - several big ideas to several songs are bouncing around in there. We are going to use this incident, these mixed feelings of elation and disapointment and have hooked up some recording stuff and get it all out today. This is the first step to the next album. He bought tapes Friday to get all this stuff out. It really is bothering him.. clouding his head at work, at home..everywhere! He holds my hands and riffs in it.. he puts his arm around me and riffs on my shoulder, we go to sleep at night, and he's picking on my pillow, driving riffing on the steering wheel... He talks about these song and lyrical concepts over dinner.. it's invading every aspect of our lives! Anyways, this stuff needs to get into the hands of Frank for the foundation, then Erk and I will delve in. He has several "big ideas" for most of the next album. The less angry we get, the more angry our music gets. Today is a good day for a beginning.

This is brutal, intricate, passionate, intelligent stuff our friends!!!!!!
