Saturday, May 12, 2007

Jen: Welcome to our world

Thanks to EVERYONE that went to the show last night. It turned out to be a lot of fun, and it was sooo awesome to see familiar faces and ghosts from the past.

I always love to hear, "last time I saw you guys was in 2001." I dig hearing that for lots of reasons. 2000-2001 were the best years for Angerkill in terms of momentum, before things came to a screeching halt and we had to do some thinking, reflecting, and appreciating. I know I speak for Dave and Frank when I say that we wait patiently and excitedly for the day that things surpass what we had back then - the intensity of the crowd at the shows was such a gift, we had some of our BEST pits in those days, and our chops were pretty damn solid. The only difference was that we played 11 shows a month.. and not 11 San Antonio shows, 11 TEXAS shows. Well, we can't do that anymore!!! That's not necessarily a bad thing, though, and it's taken me a while to realize that. I don't see our obligations as any type of handicap. We are responsible people who take care of our shit and lead balanced lives. As a matter of fact, it's 10:45 as I type this and Dave has been at work for almost two hours already. Try that... jammin out all night, getting to sleep at 4 or so, then getting up to lead your team at work and be the example. In terms of Angerkill, it's made us think in terms of 'quality' and NOT 'quantity.' Every show COUNTS, every practice counts and every minute counts.... so back to the subject line.

Driving home down 410 with my husband (the hot frontman!) and our trusty life long friend and supporter, Big Lou, and we get a call to my cell phone. It's Erk, our guitarist, to discuss the show. He said some shit that made me realize just how much he fits in to our band (not that I didn't know this, but he is so eerily in-tune, it's FUCKIN NUTS. As a matter of fact, Dave and I were hesitant to ask him in first time we met him BECAUSE he seemed to say all the right things, to have all the right ethics, and he's fuckin good). He asked me what we thought of our performance and I told him a 'solid B.' Yep, we're fuckin nerds - we grade ourselves. Dave had a mishap during our live debut, "a heartless endeavor" and it always seems like maulfunctions and shit will happen during the new songs. He knocked his tuners against the mic stand and threw his shit down at least a couple of steps!!!!! Right at the top of the song too... so whatdoyado.. just gotta keep playing, but all the way through, I'm wondering WHAT THE FUCK is wrong?! I didnt know if it was my bass, Erk or Dave, but some shit was off. Then you start contemplating frets - "it IS on the 2nd, right?!?!".. anyways, we fucked that song UP but other than that, we played alright. Luckily we had a professional sound guy to help our asses. Frank (sound) pinpointed what was wrong, turned Dave out of the mix and helped us out. Too bad he couldnt do anything for our insecurities!!! :) One must always appreciate good sound and lights - and we certainly appreciated last nights.

All the bands did really well and we were impressed with the talent and performances last night. Shame on all you who didn't stick around for Suicide Holiday. YOU MISSED OUT! Oh man.. they are a different genre from us, but held the same amount of intensity and as bands, we bonded fast. Bassist and I had lots to say, but did so in few words just because we understood one another. Their drummer.. oh my god... Frank's dream. Dave and I watched him drool their entire set!!

There were two parts to last night - almost as different as to feel like two different shows. I felt great because I could relate to both. Metal as fuck, then a woman musician who commands her instrument (dont mistake confidence for arrogance). Nancy Silva and bassist from Suicide Holiday have it GOING ON. I have a soft spot for women who can hold an instrument and jam out just as good as the next. It doesn't come easy - I work hard to reach new levels - so I know they work hard too and I give tons of respect for that shit. All four of us do. Metal is our passion and last night was just pretty fuckin fun.

Thats it. End to my blog. Anyone see that hot chick drunk as fuck last night?! Thats our Kimmi and she's wonderful. I'm sure she's puking this morning, thinking back to last night, wondering all these silly things.. but Kimmi, when you read this, just know that you are AMAZING, it was great to see you having a good time, and we are happy to have the Tinns in AK. Hope you had a very happy birthday!!!!!!
