Friday, June 2, 2006

Jen: There's so much anticipation... I'm having nightmares!

We redeemed ourselves on May 27. It wasn't a flawless show, but ranks as the best we've played this year. There's definitely something to be said for hydration - we drank a 24 pack of water in three hours. Good for performance.. bad for pissing.

We begin recording tomorrow. I'm not sure when the recording will be completed because that depends on a number of things with 1 being studio availability and 2, our finances. So far so good.. we have this weekend and next weekend booked up for core recording. No kidding about the nightmares.. for the past week, I've dreamed about my basslines. That's never happened to me before... I'm just glad we're finally here after all these years. We've got some ideas for artwork that will involve anyone who wants to be involved so I'll let you know of that early next week. There's way too much going on right now for me to spec out all the details.

We have three shows booked: June 30 at the Underground, July 7 back in Austin at Redrum and July 21 at Rock City. More details as they come available.. we're still working some shit out but they're going to be good ones. We're looking to book August in Austin and SA.. we aim to play once a month in each city. Starting back in 2001, Austin has embraced AK equally as San Antonio.. so we'll do what we can to be there for you guys too.

That's it.. we've been practicing between 5 and 6 times a week to get tight for the CD. We're all going in feeling great about it.

PS Jared's looking for a job. Anyone know anywhere hiring? It's got to be on the Northwest side to avoid punctuality challenges..... unless it's something he'll really really like.. then he'll be on time. Or do what we do.. punish him with having to buy 1 beer for every minute late. (He currently owes a keg and a twenty pack)

We'll definitely be posting some clips for you guys.

oh yeah! Thanks if you went out to the show. Special thanks to Ric from Adrian and the Sickness for driving in from Austin. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Damn.. can't say that without thanking Scott from Curse the Form for booking it. Nice to finally play a show with you guys... and Chris from Deadpool (drunken bastard) and Pinky for helping us out with all our gear.

I noticed a couple of people taking pictures at the show. If you wouldn't mind, please do us the favor and email them to I'll post them on our site. I got a few, but none of us performing.


caught in the rain.. what a great moment.

I'm pretty shy when it comes to throwin' the horns... but c'mon it's Mike! We go back middle school style when I was a preppy little girl listening to New Kids on the Block and wearing Z Cavarricci and Girbaud jeans. Only Mike and my husband can call me a poser.. because they're the only ones that saw it first hand.