We have a show this Friday at the Rabbit. It's another one of those insane attempts at putting a million bands on the bill. Check out the lineup below. It looks like it's gonna be a packed house. The backroom lineup is really good.
Main Stage
6:30 PM Mark Searcy Delta Blues
7:15 PM Daniel Walker & the Lake Eerie Oarsmen
8:00 PM Strikes Back
8:45 PM Adelin
9:30 PM Structure
10:15 PM Desdemona
11:00 PM Meek
11:45 PM Lokey
12:30 AM When Words Attack
1:15 AM The Blend?
Jam Stage
7:30 PM Jobber
8:15 PM Threat
9:00 PM Enormity
9:45 PM Brotherhood
10:30 PM Thirteen Muses
11:15 PM Angerkill
12:00 AM Deadpool
12:45 AM Before the Bloodshed
In other news, I'm fuckin' way tired. We finished up our studio pre-production stuff on Monday and got it to Keith last night. It turned in to a last minute rush to get it done. I did a quick, really quick mix and dumped them night before last, finally finishing up at 5am. This was a great thing and even though it was such a major pain in the ass, I would recommend doing it to any band. It really shows you where your areas of improvement are. We have a few things to hone in on before we get in there and thats where we're at now. We need to just play the hell out of these songs (to a click - I'm currently working on the tempo maps) and Jared has to get his solos concrete.
We'll be recording two covers but we're not sure if they'll be on the CD or not. We haven't decided what we want to do with them just yet. The covers are "Davidian" from Machine Head and "Once in a Lifetime" from the Talking Heads. We started working on our rendition of "Once in a Lifetime" this past Saturday and it's really promising. It sounds GREAT as a metal song.
Kids are awake.. i'll have to finish this up later! Hope to see you all Friday.