Hey AK Fans,
God Damn practice was great yesterday, man! Trying to finish this one song that Dave and i have dubbed "The 1 Open Song". No title yet...but man that song is turning out to be a monster. you might bang your head so hard to that song that it might fall off.
Let's see...Jen wasn't able to make practice. Her sister Bre got sick and was not able to baby sit. It's okay though. Dave and i still got to hammer out and condition on some of the new tunes. Same songs we went over again...
Started off with cold muscles and all:
Fire In Your Mouth (Man, that song is really growin' on me and Dave)
Rantings and Non-Hearings (Jesse and Eric would be proud)
Switchblade (Just all around heavy)
H.S.S. (Love it!!!)
The 1 Open Song (Watch out now...this one's got some pepper on it)
Practice started at approx. 7:15pm and we conditioned till about 8:30pm. Dave and i did not have one drop of beer this time. (Dave, i think that's a sign, bro)
My friend Aaron Murray showed up just as we were getting rolling. He got to check out practice.
anything else?
Frank Diaz de Leon
Angerkill Motherfuckers!!!!