... pleads a sweaty, dehydrated Jared in the middle of our 100 degree sauna of a practice last Friday.
It's been a while since our last blog. There's no good reason for that.. Dave is too lazy to write one (he's not really into the internet unless it's to download music), Frank doesn't have access to a computer on a regular basis anymore, and well, Jed chooses to be silent and save his wit for hair blogs.
We had those two shows - our first show back in Austin and then set here at the Bleed the Sky show.'ve got to start by sending our most sincere thanks to everyone at those shows.
We had a blast in Austin! Man, it was awesome to play alongside such a great line-up. Jared experienced for the first time how Austin embraces AK. We get more interest in Austin than we have here at home! I can't explain why - for whatever reason it's just always been like that. We must have gotten 10-12 new Myspace add requests the next couple of days because of our 30 minute set that night. Thanks to Pure Metal Sickness for filming our set and the interview afterwards and for being so supportive of METAL!!
SA was great too. That show made us realize one thing - how many very true friends we have. All the old school crew were out there! I can't name you all, but you know who you are. Thanks for taking time out of your hectic weeknights to come and support. Again, it was nice to be a part of such a good bill and it was wonderful to see you all.
I posted pictures on our website from both of these shows.. and really everything involving Jared to this point. You can check them out HERE.
We have a show coming up in a couple of weeks at Rock City Bar. Please help us promote it. The code to copy and paste is below:

..and last, but definitely not least, we are making progress towards the goal! We have nine songs completed and ready for recording. The guys finished up the last song on Friday. Dave and Jared started writing it 2 years ago and we adopted it, worked on it diligently for about a month and a half and finally got it down. What was frustrating about this one is that the song was all written except the ending - we could never get it right!!!! We were making it too difficult - too many changes. It FINALLY came in the form of perfect collaboration: Dave asked Jared to write a variation off one of the other riffs, Jared belted it out and Frank added some massive drums on top (I follow his double bass), then Dave completed the soundscape with a layer. It took everyone focused to get this one done, but I LOVE how it came out! Hopefully we will debut it April 28th. It all depends on whether Dave gets the lyrics penned by then.
Another cool thing that happened at practice tonight was that Dave and Frank figured out how to run the two kicks, overhead and guitar cabs through our mixer to the recording device (Boss BR-8) as 1 track so we can add bass, lyrics and layers on the stuff we're writing. It actually sounds pretty full and should help our writing progress along better. Jared can actually hear the guitars to write his solos and layers now and I can solidify my bass lines on some of these new ones before our recording sessions, which are set for the first two weekends in June with Keith at Monster Music Studios.
Not too exciting, huh?! Well for us it is, dammit! We're seriously determined to make the best piece of art we're capable of.
- Jen